Case Study
St. John Fisher University Parish
St. John Fisher University Parish, our first pilot church, has produced some interesting results from their very first message sent using our product which I believe to be note worthy.
From the very onset and introduction of this tool for engagement, the SJF Leadership has been very interested in what the platform can do. Consulting and working closely with our team's leadership, SJF began their subscriber campaign by announcing the new channel of communication at one of their popular events, Coffee and Doughnuts. Since then, SJF has prioritized increasing their subscriber count to engage more and more of their parishioners through different mediums including promoting the channel in their weekly paperback bulletins and through their digital newsletter instructing community members on how to subscribe.
Their first message was sent to 66 people. 52/66 of people (79%) responded in total with 35 people (67%) engaging with the message during the same day. Here is a snapshot of the message and raw data:
In total as a response to the message, the parish was anticipating 195 individual prayers prayed for the upcoming event, all because of one text message. The event was a success despite dark weather clouds that were held off until moments after the outside event came to a close before choosing to rain. ​
Given all of this, I believe there are some insights we can infer...
There is an appetite for this form of communication to support parish life and life in community. People want access to their priest.
People don't mind engaging in text message in this way. It takes less than 10 seconds to read and respond.
Given that 98% of people responded by praying the maximum amount of requested prayer, it is clear that people are willing to go above and beyond when their priest sends them a text.
In conclusion, given the appetite, response, and enthusiasm when requesting prayer, it is evident that there is something here that warrants exploration.