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Your Automated Data Expert

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦

Helping Growth in the Faith

Unlock the potential of your community through understanding survey trends by utilizing the preferred communication method in the modern world: mobile text messaging. 

The Local Church
is Not Data Driven...

But with FaithComms it can be. Data gathering is anonymous,  controlled, and administered through you and anyone you appoint as a delegate. All data is entirely owned by your parish. You have full control of whom you want to share your collected insights and trends with. 

Church Choir in Purple

We Invite You...

To try our demo and see from a parishioner's perspective

how it works first hand.



Foster a sense of belonging outside of service.
Deliver most needed and impactful teachings per trend. 
Use collected data, insights, and trends to guide your community toward growth in all areas of parish life. 

Digest survey trends to address community variance across key categories such as personal beliefs, participation at church, parish connections, and more. Our insight report helps you understand and plan initiatives that guide individuals on their journey towards sanctification.


FaithComm's TEST Model





Our Mission

Move the needle on individual journeys of faith.

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We will be in touch soon!

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